The World According to Mike: Dastardly, Distasteful, Disrespectful Dean At It Again

Friday, April 22, 2005

Dastardly, Distasteful, Disrespectful Dean At It Again

(Does that qualify him to be one of the Girls of the Triple D?....just curious)

This past Wednesday Howard Dean gave a speech in Minnesota filled with his usual rhetoric about how he got into politics to make great changes and bring the country out of the sewer, yadda, yadda, yadda….. He even threw in a nice little impression of Rush Limbaugh snorting cocaine complete with the appropriate sound effects. He then admitted that this wasn’t very dignified, adding “…but I’m not running for president anymore” as if this somehow made his reprehensible remarks acceptable.

Without even getting into the fact that Rush was addicted to prescription pain killers that were prescribed legally, a condition which happens to millions of Americans with serious illnesses and injuries every year, Dean’s remarks were more than just undignified. I would say they were borderline libelous but then I’m not an attorney so what do I know?

Note to Democrats: As long as your party elevates radical idiots like this to it’s highest positions and allows the Michael Moores of the world to sit at it's tables the right side of the aisle will continue to grow.

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At 4/23/2005 11:27 PM, Blogger Mike said...

I think Hillary's nomination is all but sealed up. What scares me more is who the GOP will put against her. I will not vote for Giuliani or McCain. Perhaps it's time to see who the Libertarian's are going to run. Yeah, I know, waste of a vote. I'm starting to think going to the polls is just a waste of gasoline. Our party is actually pissing me off the most of all lately. They have an overwhelming majority and yet seem to lack any testicular fortitude to actually do anything.

At 4/25/2005 6:40 AM, Blogger Mike said...

Sad but likely true.

At 5/02/2005 5:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re:Pro choice/no choice-
When you have been raped by anyone and inpregnanted then tell me that you are pro no choice- grow up. Niether one of you have been pregnant so get over it and let the woman make the choice and let God make the punishment if required. Bush is an idiot as have been a few of the last. If we are the government Then we need to fire the old friggin lot of them and start fresh with some real people. Why not look into some of the more interesting, relatively recent presidental orders over the last few years and figure out what is going on behind your backs? These do not require any form of vote so think about it. Do any of you truly like corperate rule? Think on that some as well. The primary difference is that this corperation doesn't bother to balance the books.
Besides are any of you truly ready for a second civil war? Wake up and smell the manure.

At 5/02/2005 10:37 AM, Blogger Mike said...

Typical liberal dogma. You want to disagree with the conservative view so badly that you have to demonize those leaning to the right by alluding to us being unsympathetic toward victims of violent crimes. I can't speak for doug-e-fresh but I do believe we need special provisions for cases where a woman's life is in jeopardy or she is raped. Using abortion clinics as birth control is morally repugnant, however.

As to your other points, I'm on record in this very blog (and blogs of others) as saying I'm not all that pleased with the performance of the Bush Administration. I will however continue to vote for the conservative candidate if for no other reason than to keep liberal activist judges out of our high courts.

"Wake up and smell the manure." While we're giving out "food for thought", here's a little: If not for the folks who wake up to the smells of manure you'd probably starve. I don't happen to be one anymore but I appreciate them every time I have a steak or a salad.

By the way; screen names are free and easy to set up here. Just food for thought.

Thanks for stopping by.


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