The World According to Mike: Los Angeles Seal - The ACLU strikes again

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Los Angeles Seal - The ACLU strikes again

Well, the ACLU has struck again. Fearing a lawsuit from these radical socialists, the County of Los Angeles has removed the cross from it’s official seal. The ACLU claims that by having the Judeo-Christian symbol of the cross on it’s seal Los Angeles County was violating the First Amendment provision on separation of church and state. Interestingly enough, they made no mention of the huge pagan goddess in the center of the seal which dwarfed the cross.

Even Dennis Prager, a very prominent jew, disagrees with this decision.

This is just one more example of how liberal groups who preach freedom of choice and tolerance are some of the most restrictive, intolerant individuals in the world.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it many more times, I’m sure: The ACLU is not our friend.

1)adj : being historically related to both Judaism and Christianity; "the Judeo-Christian tradition"
2) the value system by which the United States of America was founded

Hannity and Colmes, Fox News Channel

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At 4/23/2005 9:37 AM, Blogger Mike said...

Well, now they've branched out from getting rid of crosses to smoking dope while observing glorified neighborhood watchers.

It's important to broaden your horizons from time to time!

At 4/28/2005 10:46 PM, Blogger Mike said...

Interesting Jim. I did notice however that none of the posters made mention of the ACLU defending NAMBLA. I guess they either missed that little tidbit or think it insignificant.

The ACLU helps perpetrate evil while masquerading as your friend. I don’t know how much more evidence good, otherwise intelligent Americans need before understanding this.

At 5/06/2005 7:46 AM, Blogger OP said...

Great blog Mike.

At 5/07/2005 8:59 PM, Blogger Mike said...

Thanks for the kind words OSAPian and welcome aboard. With your help I'm up to 9 unique visitors per day on average now...LOL


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