Illegal Imigration; The Quiz
As the debate on illegal immigration heats, this Pop Quiz will help measure ones "liberalism quotient"---the opposite of intelligence--- on this vital issue:
1. Illegal immigration is:
( ) Desperately needed by liberals in order to win elections
( ) A misnomer...they are actually undocumented Democrats!
( ) Mexico's chief export
( ) NOT a threat to U.S. homeland security. Why would Mexican peasants destroy the land of free gravy and tacos?
2. Border security should be:
( ) Ignored, because we need cheap lettuce
( ) Ignored, because we need cheap lettuce AND More Democrats
( ) Turned over to Vicente Fox in the name of Diversity and Inclusiveness
( ) Used to keep Republicans out of the U.S.
3. The proposed fence between the U.S. and Mexico is:
( ) A terrific idea, if built by firms owned by women and minorities
( ) Unconstitutional because it discriminates against Mexicans too fat to climb over a fence
( ) "Pork Barrel " in Red States, but economic necessity in blue states
4. The proposed Guest Worker Program:
( ) Is illegal if it prevents Mexicans from collecting welfare and/or food stamps
( ) Will work if the workers are required to join a labor union
( ) Should include free health care, driver's licenses, college degrees, and interest-free mortgages for Mexicans
( ) Sounds like amnesty, but Mexicans here illegally deserve amnesty!
Spanish Vs. English: New Mexican immigrants should:
( ) Be required to continue with Spanish as their only language because DNC has printed 30 million ballots in Spanish for the 2008 election
( ) Be kept English-illiterate to avoid exposure to GOP lies and propaganda
( ) Be taught vital English words and phrases like welfare, food stamps, ACLU, racism, class-action lawsuit, Vote Democrat! and the like, ASAP.
NOTE: In the true spirit of liberalism there are no wrong answers to the above quiz. Please give yourself an A+, pat yourself on the back, and go play a game of soccer (don't keep score though)
Special thanks to Swoose for hitting yet another home run!!!

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