The World According to Mike: March 2005

Thursday, March 31, 2005

My take on the ACLU

"I am for socialism, disarmament, and ultimately for abolishing the State itself as an instrument of violence and compulsion. I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal "

Roger Baldwin, founder of the American Civil Liberties Union.Quoted in the National Federation for Decency Journal, September 1988. Page 9.

It amazes me how many folks out there (property owning folks, no less) send part of their hard earned wages to an organization founded by such an individual.

I was recently criticized for being complacent in my viewing of current events, politics and such. To me complacent are the people who blindly follow this organization. If the ACLU has it's way America as we know it will cease to exist. Those of you who have worked for what you have should be scared.....very scared.

This nation was built on capitalism. While we certainly have our problems, opting for a socialist, entitlement society isn't the way to go. Don't believe me? Just ask Lenin, Stalin, or Marx.

The ACLU is not your friend.

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Theresa Schiavo - 1963-2005

Rest in piece Terri. God help us all!!!

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At 4/01/2005 11:14 PM, Blogger Mike said...

They call it practicing medicine for a reason. Especially where the human brain is concerned. I wish I could remember the gal's name who was on Hannity's radio show (and coast to coas AM) the other night who recovered from a similar circumstance.
As to the morality of it; one of the many pastors that commented on it said it best in my opinion when he said that as long as Terri's life was bringing someone joy (her parents) it had value and should be preserved.
Regarding the legal issues, don't get me wrong. I do believe the law was followed. I still believe however Greer should have bowed out due to the conflict of interest deal.
Americans in general aren't valuing life near enough these days and it scares the hell out of me! This should open the door wide for the upcoming euthanasia legislation on California's next ballot.

At 4/14/2005 8:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 4/18/2005 9:16 PM, Blogger Mike said...

Reasons for removal of above 2 comments:

The first contained personal attacks against another poster. The second contained a now unnecessary rebuttal to the first. Be sure and read the blog rules before posting folks. Let's keep the comments on topic and at least somewhat civilized.

At 4/29/2005 3:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait ... we have to be civilized , what's that?

At 4/30/2005 4:34 PM, Blogger Mike said...

All good Dougie. Just keep them in the Free-For-All Zone and avoid profanity(this is linked to my family page after all) and attack away (me that is). Just don't clutter up the debate topics lest other visitors think it's some sort of chat room. And yes there are other visitors. 15 unique visitors yesterday. Not exactly a national phenomena but I'll take it. Especially if Lumberjack would actually post something "on topic".


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Abortion - Parental Consent

Attention Californians:

It is quite likely we will be asked to vote in a special election this fall. One of the issues we may see on the ballot is a parental consent law for our young daughters considering abortion. This is serious stuff. Under current California law my 16 year old can get an abortion without telling me while her mom or I have to sign a consent form if she is to have a tooth filled. How rediculous is that!?!?!

Abortion is advocated only by persons who have themselves been born.
Ronald Reagan

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At 4/05/2005 6:45 AM, Blogger Mike said...

Wow Jim, we've agreed on 2 political issues this year already! That's one above our annual average and it's only April!


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Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Our southern border saga

A new group of individuals in the southwestern states has decided to take it upon themselves to patrol the Mexican borders. My hat is off to them and I wish them the best of luck. 10.3 million illegal aliens is plenty if you ask me! I voted for George W. Bush and I would again but his stance on the southern border is weak; PERIOD.

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The Schiavo Fiasco

Well, since we can't turn our TVs on without hearing about it, I figure it's as good of place as any to start.

While I'm a firm believer in a person's right to terminate any kind of artificial life support if there is no hope of regaining consciousness, I have several problems with this case.

1) Terri's wishes were never put into writing.

2) There is too much dispute in the medical community to convince me personally she is in fact in a "persistant vegitative state".

3) Michael Schiavo has begun a new life with a different woman. Is this not adultery? Where I'm from that is grounds for divorce. This would make the parents the guardians in absence of a living will, would it not?

4) Conflict of interest: If you only watch or read "mainstream" media sources you're probably unaware of the fact that Judge Greer received a campain contribution from George Felos, Michael Schaivo's attorney. Anyone else see a problem with that?

To sum it up, I believe this situation sets a dangerous precedence. Where are we as a society to draw the line now?

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At 4/01/2005 11:19 PM, Blogger Mike said...

Get a life?!?! Ouch!!! Actually, I do have one. I just hope I'm never unconscious for too long. Someone may take it from me.

At 4/02/2005 7:53 AM, Blogger Mike said...

I hope no one reads me wrong on this whole thing. I too will be drawing up some documents in the very near future. I haven't figured out just exactly how I'm going to word things yet but rest assured they will be worded in hopes of avoiding a fate such as Terri's.

I just smell a rat in this particular case. But I smell rats in lots of things so....


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