The World According to Mike: November 2005

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Prop 73

I just found out that Proposition 73 was shot down. Score another victory for the secular agenda! Now my 17 year old daughter can get an abortion without my knowledge. Terrific! California, you disgust me. I can't wait to retire and get the hell out of this liberal cesspool!

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At 11/10/2005 1:58 PM, Blogger OP said...

Hey Mike, are you back in the blogging business? I hope so. I removed my link to your blog a while back when it looked like you weren't blogging anymore. If you are back in the blogging business, and I hope you are, I'll post the link again.

You are right, no matter what position one takes on abortion, you would think we could agree that parents should be notified if their minor daughters are going to have them. Not in this Big Blue emotional state.

At 3/18/2006 7:43 AM, Blogger Mike said...

Doug, this is gonna be amost physically painful. I'm getting ready to defend Barry. I think you read him out of context. It actually got me at first too. I think what he's meaning is many of our politicians probably should have BEEN aborted.


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